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Friday, May 20, 2011

Grad Announcement

Chelsie Fodchuk is setting up drop off locations around the province where people can drop off in EXCELLENT CONDITION grad dresses. So instead of setting up an online store, Chelsie emailed and I quote “two heads are better than one” and I took her up on it! She is fantastic!

So we will be posting soon under grad donations where these drop off locations are. PLEASE make sure these dresses are in AMAZING condition, and you can drop off MINT condition shoes and jewellery. Chelsie has plans to set up a mobile trailer to go to the evac sites and act as a store. So please, keep checking out our grad section for places to drop your dresses off. If you want more information, or to set up a drop off site in your area, please contact Chelsie Fodchuk through facebook, or myself at angie.mcconnell@hotmail.com

If we get too many dresses to use this year, we are planning on keeping them for next year’s grad and proms for a Slave Lake and Area Cinderella Project.



  1. Marks in Edson and Hinton are also collecting grad clothes, for the students and their parents. Our local school division is also going to help with this project. I had thought of driving them to Westlock in mid-July with friends who can sew for fittings. Let me know if this will work! By early June I will have a storage area that is not my garage! Jayne (780)723-2338

  2. I was wondering if there will be a drop off site for grad dresses in vegreville . I think I would be able to get my hands on some dresses from friends, family, and co- workers! Thank you my email is volley_169@hotmail.com
