www.rebuildslavelake.com - The Latest - Blog

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Donations Needed

Since Red Earth and many other communities have been evacuated, the communities of High Prairie, Peace River, Valleyview, Alexandra First Nations, and Westrose are hosting new evacuees. Of course the name Slave Lake is on this site, but we want to be here to help EVERYONE!

High Prairie - to help call the food bank 780-523-5777

Peace River - Misery Mountain 780-624-4881

As for Valleyview, Westrose and Alexandra First Nation I am not sure where to donate, so if you do - comment below for everyone to know! Maybe we can get some of the Calgary & Edmonton trucks that are on hold sent there! And if you are coordinating in those communities, let us know what you need!!!!


  1. The Alexander First Nation near Morinville has opened up their community hall and will accept all donations excluding furniture. You can call Sharice at 780-938-0595 or the hall at 780-939-0157 for more info.

  2. Notice to donators: there is a call out from the shelters for rubbermaid type tubs and backpacks so that evacuees can store their personal possessions...♥

  3. Heather - do you know where in Valleyview evacuees are being housed? thanks!

  4. repost from Slave Lake Needs Everything. Please Help
    repost: IMPORTANT UPDATE: Ive been in contact with the donation center heads & please DON'T SEND DONATIONS WITHOUT CALLING. They're overstocked, have things in tents because of that-if it rains, already they risk things getting ruined. There is now a DONATION HOTLINE for Alberta and, they will tell you what they need, don't need, and where it should be sent. Please call 780-482-7867. Thanks for your generosity!
